ZaniL Design Wins First Prize with a design made from Swarovski Square and Triangle Frames.

Welcome all and
thank you for reading my posts. On my website you will find lots of beautiful designs to look at, whether you are looking for a special occasion such as an up coming wedding or a casual
timeless piece,
ZaniL Design can help you out.
This month I was thrilled to bits to find out that I received first prize at our local Royal Canberra Show. I entered two designs and received first prize for this one pictured. Click to enlarge.
Please enquire if you would like to hire this design for a special occasion.
I had these Swarovski beads for over 6 months and had sketched a few designs, but when it came to actually making this design, it sort of changed as I was making it. I found that I did not have enough of the large Squares and more of the Large Triangles and so I had to improvise on my original design ( it was too late to order more beads). You know that is what creating is about. For me it is making something out of a pile of beads that are begging to be turned into something beautiful, to be admired, a little like art. It is also about making something with the materials at hand and improvising with what you have.
My method of creating is a little unorganized, but it works for me. I usually have lots of beads scattered on my work bench and I usually have an idea of the colours I am going to use. If the beads scattered on my work bench happened to be on the bench, I use those, otherwise I look for the ones I have in mind and as I pass my hands over the many bead packets I get lots of other ideas for my other future designs.
Going back to my Swarovski prize winning entry, you know I thought I was going to win a prize for my other design and this one above, I was not really convinced was going to win any prize at all and even considered not entering it in the competition. I loved it and thought, I have already made it and will enter it anyway and see what happens. Lucky I did as I would not be celebrating if I had gone with my original thought.
Since we are on the subject of thought, I am reading this fantastic book called "Maxium Achievement" and it has some great philosophy's on why we are the way we are.
Generally speaking if you have positive thoughts you will generally be a person with a positive outlook, and if you have negative thoughts , it is also reflected in your outlook. Thoughts do in fact become reality, as I have found out when I am creating, most of my designs begin as a thought or an idea and then they become reality or real not long after.
One of the challenges in this book is for three days to have only positive thoughts and to think that something good is going to happen to you. On the third day, there will be countless times where something good has happened. I am going to try this and will report on my next post what has happened. Nothing to lose by trying this simple experiment.
Change your life by having positive thoughts one thought at a time.
Any comments, feel free to add your "thoughts" on the subject of thoughts and or my jewellery.
I can assure you you will get lots of positive comments when wearring a ZaniL Design.
cheers for now.
CEO of ZaniL Design.
Lina, just terrific!!!
congratulations is all I can say!
you really deserve it because your work is really excellent!
Thanks Lydia,
You are one of my best supporters and I thank you for all of your encouragement and especially for getting me into blogging.
who kn ow where I would be now, with out your advice and constant support
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